After attending the meetings of a few different groups, getting a sponsor, and selecting a home group, it is suggested to get involved with service work.
SERVICE WORK: Giving back what was so freely given to us
The service we do in our recovery is many things. We take a more active role in our everyday lives, serving others as better friends, better family members, better workers and better citizens. When we find an NA meeting where we feel at home and NA friends with whom we identify, we’ve found a home group, a base for our own recovery and a place where we can serve other addicts by sharing our recovery with them. The time, the experience, the empathy we offer others in our home group we extend even further to those we serve in NA sponsorship. All these ways of serving others demonstrate the spiritual awakening of our Twelfth Step, evidenced in our efforts to carry this message to addicts and to practice these principles in all our affairs. A Guide to Local Services in NA: Narcotics Anonymous
- Arrive early to help set up meeting area
- Offer to make coffee and set up refreshment area
- Offer to arrange tables, chairs and literature racks
- Greet new members and guests
- Help keep the meeting facility, location, and grounds clean
- Offer to read passages or chair the meeting
- Attend group business meetings and hold a service position
- Stay after the meeting to help clean up
- Attend the monthly Area Service Committee Meeting
- Join the Activities Subcommittee
- Join the Hospital and Institutions Subcommittee
- Join the Literature Subcommittee
- Join the Policy Subcommittee
- Join the Public Relations Subcommittee